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frequently asked questions

Below are the answers to the questions we are asked most frequently. Have a question that we didn't answer here? Simply contact us, and we'll get right back to you.

Where are you located?​

Cedar Springs, MI. Conveniently located just off US-131 at exit 104. Just 15 miles North of Grand Rapids.

Do you have a minimum rental fee?

​We do. It's $300.

What if I break something?

The fee for broken items is 5x the rental fee. So, if you break a bottle that would be rented for $1, the fee is just $5. This means un-repairably broken (so all glass items) but a dent or ding here or there can be discussed otherwise.

How do I reserve my date?​

Contact us as soon as possible and let us know. We require a 50% deposit to hold the date for you!

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